The birth of Alegria Grande – My fitness journey to a healthier & happier life!

Hello beautiful and welcome to my website!

My name is Johanna and this site is about my own fitness journey & my road to becoming a certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach.

I’ve had “extra to love” since I was a kid and I’ve never felt comfortable with it. Yup, I am all for body positivity and I admire those who truly are comfortable in their own bodies! I, however, have not felt that way about myself. Maybe for periods of time, but never anything consistent. I have realized that it has very little to do with just accepting and loving the way that I am, but to actually FEEL strong and healthy! That I am comfortable because my legs, arms, my heart – all of me – feels strong enough to move around easily and without pain or strain. This is why I, this year of 2021, decided to really take this seriously and make changes – for Me.

It has been many, many years of bad habits and in my teenage years and twenties I yo-yo dieted. This was (and still is) very common in my family. I am quite sure now that certain habits from my childhood were the origin of how (poorly) I treated my body. I am also quite certain that this was because no one around me really knew how to actually take care of their health. There were trends and hypes, like Weight Watchers, Cambridge, McKenna and Atkins diet (yep, I’ve pretty much tried them all!), but no one actually understood what our bodies needed and how to sustain a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is key to finding both mental and physical balance and stability. I will keep striving to get there so I can enjoy life fully!

This website will be my base for learning about training & nutrition and how to best take care of myself in more ways than just “getting fit”. I will be sharing my gym progress which helps me towards my “strong” goal and which is the training that I love to do. I will be sharing recipes (both healthy and nutritious but also some simply for pleasure! 😉) and what the ingredients do for you. I will also be sharing some beauty and makeup tips once in a while as this is another passion of mine and which I believe helps us express ourselves and build our confidence – and to just have fun!

With this space, I hope to inspire others who find themselves uncomfortable & unhappy, who wish more out of their lives but don’t feel like their strongest selves and who want to work on themselves for themselves but do not know how to get there. My dream is to help others achieve better health to help them live their best lives! Once I’m a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach I will also open up to take on clients and I hope we get to work together so I can follow your journey too ❤️

For now, I hope You enjoy following me and that something here can inspire you to be the best You, for You! To achieve alegria grande (great joy).

Much love, strength & happiness,