Some reminders to keep with you this Christmas!

The holiday season can bring so many emotions – both good and bad, exciting and challenging. Here are some reminders to keep with you this Christmas! ❤️‍🩹

✨ Give yourself love and grace! Even if you feel you’re not where you want to be, where you are today on your journey can be someone else’s mountain top. Appreciate ALL your efforts so far!

✨ If you have crushed it this year or not doesn’t decide your worthiness. You are ALWAYS worthy and each day is a new opportunity to try again.

✨ Food IS fuel, and so is also the food that fuels your soul! Enjoy what you want to eat during this festive season.

✨ Don’t put yourself in the corner because you’re not where you want to be. Memories don’t wait! They happen & you take them with you through your lifetime. They are worth stepping out of your comfort zone for.

✨ YOU ARE MORE THAN YOUR BODY! Work out if you feel it brings you joy & energy, but also go and enjoy yourself this season. Life is about LIVING!

And if you need a pair of eyes to vent to, you’re always free to contact me 🫶🏼.

Much love, strength & joy,